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In the News

  • Paper in leading medical journal (Blood) demonstrating use of the groundbreaking platelet storage technology in facilitating diagnosis of HIT and VITT. Editorial commentary in Blood on this paper

  • Retham Co-founder and Chief Science Officer, Dr. Anand Padmanabhan is inducted into the prestigious AABB/National Blood Foundation Hall of Fame

  • Retham Technologies was awarded a $1.7M SBIR Phase II grant to develop an in vitro diagnostic assay for Heparin-induced Thrombocytopenia (HIT). The project, headed by VP of Research & Innovation, Curtis Jones received a highly competitive score during review. The envisioned product is expected to revolutionize HIT diagnosis by being the first (and only) platelet activation-based in vitro diagnostic assay for HIT!

  • Curtis Jones and Retham Technologies was featured in an article.

  • Retham Technologies was selected as one of the "10 Startups to Watch in 2022" by the Wisconsin Inno Business Journal.

  • Curtis Jones, Retham Technologies Director of Research and Development gave a presentation about Retham at the Bioforward Wisconsin Biohealth Summit.

  • Retham Technologies was recently featured in the Wisconsin Inno: The Pitch feature.

  • Dr. Padmanabhan was recently featured in the WisBusiness Podcast describing the rare thrombotic reactions that are occurring to the Johnson & Johnson and Astrazeneca COVID-19 vaccines, and how Retham's test, HITDx will help detect these reactions.

  • Curtis Jones is representing Retham Technologies in the 2021 Wisconsin Biohealth Summit  "Young Company Presentations."


Peer-reviewed Publications:

1.  Off-the-shelf cryopreserved platelets for the detection of HIT and VITT antibodies. Kanack, A.J., Jones, C.G., ... & Padmanabhan, A. (2022). Blood, 140 (25): 2722–2729.

2.   A prospective, blinded study of a PF4-dependent assay for HIT diagnosis. Samuelson Bannow B et al. Blood 2020, In Press

3.   Use of intravenous immunoglobulin G to treat spontaneous heparin‐induced thrombocytopenia. Irani, M., Siegal, E., Jella, A., Aster, R., & Padmanabhan, A. (2019). Transfusion, 59(3), 931-934.

4.  Intravenous immunoglobulin as an adjunct therapy in persisting heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. Park, B. D., Kumar, M., Nagalla, S., De Simone, N., Aster, R. H., Padmanabhan, A., ... & Rambally, S. (2018). Transfusion and Apheresis Science, 57(4), 561-565.

5.  Serotonin release assay (SRA)-negative HIT, a newly recognized entity: Implications for diagnosis and management. Pandya, K. A., Johnson, E. G., Davis, G. A., & Padmanabhan, A. (2018). Thrombosis research, 172, 169-171.

6.  Normal plasma IgG inhibits HIT antibody-mediated platelet activation: implications for therapeutic plasma exchange. Jones CG, Pechauer SM, Curtis BR, Bougie DW, Aster RH and Padmanabhan A. Blood. 2018 Feb 8; 131(6):703-706.

7.  Disease burden, complication rates, and health-care costs of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia in the USA: a population-based study. Dhakal, B., Kreuziger, L. B., Rein, L., Kleman, A., Fraser, R., Aster, R. H., ... & Padmanabhan, A. (2018). The Lancet Haematology, 5(5), e220-e231.

8.  A PF4-dependent platelet activation assay (PEA) facilitates early detection of pathogenic HIT antibodies. Jones CG, Pechauer SM, Curtis BR, Bougie DW, Irani MS, Dhakal B, Pierce B, Aster RH and Padmanabhan A. Chest. Oct 2017; 152(4):e77-e80.

9.  Intravenous immunoglobulin for treatment of severe refractory heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. Padmanabhan A et al. Chest. Sep 2017 Volume 152, Issue 3, Pages 478–485. Chest Podcast, Sep 2017. Transfusion News (2017). ASH Newsletter, the Hematologist (2017)

10.   A novel PF4-dependent platelet activation assay identifies patients likely to have heparin-induced thrombocytopenia/thrombosis (HIT). Padmanabhan A et al. Chest. 2016 Sep; 150(3):506-15.

11.  A PF4-dependent CD62p expression assay selectively detects serotonin-releasing antibodies in patients suspected of HIT. Padmanabhan A et al. Thrombosis & Haemostasis, 2015 Nov 25;114(6):1322-3

12.  Heparin-independent binding of HIT antibodies to platelets: Implications for HIT pathogenesis. Padmanabhan A et al. Blood 2015 Jan 1;125(1):155-61.

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